Edu Net Solutions launches SSASA new accessible website

Edu Net Solutions and The Small Schools Association of South Australia are proud to launch today their new accessible website . This isn’t just another website; this website was developed following the Online Accessibility Policy and Toolkit.
In Australia, it is estimated that 20% of Australians have some form of disability. At Edu Net Solutions we believe that everyone should have equal access to the web, not just some members of our community. Since the launch of the SA Government Online Accessibility Policy on 16 May 2019, all of the Department for Education websites we have released have been accessible. We are committed to maintaining this high standard, not only because the policy is asking us to do so, but because it is also the right thing to do.
Is your school website accessible? Was your school launched after 16 May but isn’t accessible? Get in touch with us today.
If you wish your school website to be accessible to everyone in the community please contact us.
And I’ll see you SSASA leaders in August for my presentation on accessibility and how vision impaired users use a screen reader to surf the internet.
Written by Kirio Crespo