Why website accessibility is good for business

by Web Accessibility

Recently, I read an article which argues that digital accessibility is focused on disabled people. Importantly, it highlights that there are executives in the business world who possess little awareness of accessibility guidelines and regulations and believe that ‘digitally challenged people’ are not part of their target audience.

Yet, at the same time, Google and other search engines are supporting accessible websites by directing traffic to them and for e-businesses, this can potentially lead to the increase of sales. For schools, on the other hand, increased traffic can result in increased enrolments, as I have suggested in a previous blog.

It is also important to highlight that accessible websites offer a range of great features – more navigation options, sharper colour contrast, user friendliness, just to name a few – and these can even benefit those who do not have a permanent disability.

Meanwhile, in the fast changing IT world, if your website was not developed to include accessible features, it is very likely that it is already outdated, if not, it will be very soon.

It is important to test the currency of your website. To date, there are a range of accessibility tests available; however, most require specialised skills to use them. My favourite and user-friendly accessibility test is the The Bureau of Internet Accessibility colour contrast tool

If your site (Business or School) does not pass the most basic of tests, your website is missing out on Google rankings and potential revenue.

We, at Edu Net Solutions strive to create accessible websites as we believe they not only include all users but may increase business revenue.

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