Back To School

Back To School

Back To School Last Tuesday, the 27th August 29 2019, I returned to my alma mater at the Flinders University of South Australia. But this time I stood at the front of the next generation of web developers to give a presentation on web accessibility. My presentation...
Schools Must be Inclusive

Schools Must be Inclusive

Schools Must be Inclusive I’m compelled to write this post, as lately I have come across far too many schools that aren’t getting the message regarding social inclusion in their public-facing media. Too often schools have told me that “accessibility is not necessary”...
Education Is The Key

Education Is The Key

Education Is The Key On the 5 August, I was invited to give a presentation to the South Australian Small Schools Association (SSASA) about web accessibility and the online accessibility policy recently launched by the South Australian Government. This policy applies...
Social Inclusion Is Not A Choice

Social Inclusion Is Not A Choice

Social Inclusion Is Not A Choice This year a great deal of resources have been allocated to make South Australia a more inclusive society. In March and April 2019, the Department of Human Services of South Australia launched an online engagement initiative. This...
Does Your School Know?

Does Your School Know?

Does Your School Know? A little over three months ago, the Government of South Australia launched its the South Australian Government launched its Online Accessibility Policy and Toolkit. This policy aims to make all public-facing government websites accessible...